Friday, April 2, 2010

Life Leveling

I was pretty darned proud of myself today.  I came out of Target, and I knew right where my car was.

Yeah, I know, it's sad when that's something to be proud of.  But I've wandered in a lot of parking lots, y'know?  And my pride was enhanced by the fact that a woman well my junior was obviously searching for HER vehicle (Going up and down aisles is much less obvious than cutting across from aisle to aisle, just so you know).  I felt very virtuous and special and superior.

And then I had a doozy of a hotflash, and suddenly everything was equal again, LOL. Ma Nature doesn't cut you much slack...


Anne of Alamo said...

you are \
hilarious. it is!

I park in the same general spot EVERYTIME every store...go right...
hey I thought you didn't have a car??

Jennifer said...

Worse than that, I came out of the rec center a few weeks ago and headed straight to my car, put the key in the lock and tried it for a little bit, wondering why it wasn't working. As I was looking in the window, it finally dawned on me that there was a bunch of stuff in the front seat that I hadn't left there. Turns out there was a car identical to mine parked two spaces away from my actual car!